Faith Formation

Catechesis is a responsibility of the entire Christian community. This is should not be the work of catechists and priests alone, but of the whole community of the faithful. The Christian community follows the development of catechetical processes, for children, young people and adults, as a duty that involves and binds it directly.  Faith Formation is more than the handing on of religious instruction. Its goal is growth in faith, which implies both formation and transformation, leading one to live out the Gospel as part of a believing community. Through Faith Formation, the church seeks to prepare its members, old and young, to proclaim the Good News and to translate this proclamation into action.

First Holy Communion (CCD)

The first catechists in any child’s life are the family members with whom he or she lives. What happens at home – both positive and negative – provides lessons for life. In the family, faith is shared as part of the unfolding of daily life. Our goal is to create a program of lifelong faith formation that is centered in and flows out of the events of Church life. It embraces all ages and generation, promotes faith growth at home and promotes participation in Church life. 


The most effective catechetical program for adolescents are integrated into a comprehensive program of pastoral ministry for youth that includes catechesis, community life, evangelization, justice and service, leadership development, pastoral care, and prayer and worship.  Such programs aim to empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today; to draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community; and to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person. 

Adults Formation (RCIA)

RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is the process by which Non-Catholic adults whether, unbaptized or baptized in another Christian denomination, learn about the Catholic faith.  This process of inquiry, study and discernment culminates in preparation to receive the Sacraments of Initiation consisting of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist, and enter into the Church as full members.  Additionally, the RCIA process is the avenue through which Catholic adults who have not received all of the Sacraments of Initiation are able to do so.